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Thursday, January 4, 2018

How to Write 4th year BBS Project Report       Thursday, January 4, 2018

4th year bbs report

Tribhuvan University, Faculty of management has published guidelines for BBS (4th Year) project report writing.

The purpose of published document is to provide basic guidelines to the students, supervisors, research committee, and other associated persons on some important aspects of writing, supervising and evaluating the project work report prepared for the course MGT 401: Final Project.

The document consists of
> brief introduction to the project work report writing and its learning outcomes,
> the responsibilities to be followed by the students, the supervisors, and the Research Committee of respective campuses/ colleges,
> guidelines for preparing a project work,
> the evaluation of the project work report, and
> appendices (format of the project work report.

Introduction and Learning Outcomes
Writing a project work report is an essential academic requirement for the fourth year BBS students. This is a study-enterprise for independent leaning from field based activities. It gives students an opportunity to enquire into real business practices and relate it with the theory they have learnt so far. In this process, the student will, first of all, choose a business unit for the study; and may confine in one of its functional departments. Then they will collect data, organize and present them in a logical order, analyze and draw conclusion from the analysis. Thus, they are expected to gain firsthand experience with the business environment and the way a business unit operates its business. Finally, they will prepare a formal report in a prescribed format reflecting their knowledge and experience of the project work and submit it to the Research Department of the concerned campus/ college for evaluation.
After completing the project work, the student is expected to:
> be familiar with the environment of the business unit/ events/ place, etc with which s/he was involved/ associated with,
> understand the functioning the business unit,
> identify an issue or problem for investigation,
> identify relevant literature and appropriately review, cite and list them in bibliography,
> collect relevant data on the problem or issues for analysis,
> present data in a systematic and meaningful order,
> apply correct tools and techniques of data analysis,
> analyze the data and draw conclusions,
> prepare a report in a clear, concise and logical manner, and
> prepare a formal academic report by following format provided by the Faculty of Management.

Specifically, the students shall have the following responsibilities for the project work report writing.
> To prepare a project work proposal within one month of the beginning of the session in consultation with major/concentration subject teacher, and get formal approval from the campus/college level research committee after needful revisions suggested by the committee.
> To work closely with the concerned supervisor, campus/college level research committee chair and other members as needed, keeping the supervisor regularly informed of progress.
> In case students desire to change the scope of the approved project work, students shall have to obtain a formal approval from supervisor and the research committee prior to making any change in the scope of the project work.
> To comply with all procedures, format requirements and the University rules and regulations regarding the project work.
> To ensure that the project work has sufficient evidence of originality, appropriate organization and format, and thorough documentation.
> To use correct formatting and accuracy of quotations and literature citations.
> To make corrections and revisions as many times as suggested by the concerned supervisor and the research committee.
> To proofread the whole document, including acknowledgements, references, and appendices.
> To ensure that project work report has met the format requirements as provided by the Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University.
> To get recommendation from the supervisor and submit the final report (three copies) to the research committee.

> To take primary responsibility to stay informed about notifications and deadlines issued by the research committee, the campus/college and Office of the Controller of Examinations, TU. (No exceptions shall be made for missed deadlines or late submission of project work report).

Thanks for reading How to Write 4th year BBS Project Report

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